Hi there,

I am obviously new to the sport as the header suggests and would like some advice on a new .177 rifle for 10m use.

I am a bit of a wimp due to an ongoing back injury and too much weight makes me wobble all over the place.... So I would like to keep the weight as medium as opposed to heavy. Are there any weapons I should be looking out for?

A friend of a friend of a friend has a Walther LG300 forsale at £750, which includes a few bits like case, bottles and the like. It has been serviced year on year. Unfortunately I can't find any others on the internet to compare it to... Is this price good?

I know it is a gun way above my level, but as I have been bitten by the bug and if it's a fair price I would rather spend an extra few hundred now and not miss out on a good offer!

I'd be interested what you think?
