Sunday april 17th is Rd1 of the summer Wafta league and the John Thomas Memorial shoot, highest score on the day gets the shield for a year and a commemorative trophy when shield braught back next year

Its a week before the 1st gp, so good practice?
40 shot Ft course, will be a tough one using much of last years gp 3 course, plenty of 25mm mini kills! = £6

Side shoots
12 shot Vermin (15mm mini kills and smaller!/ partial full kills)= £1
(Cash Prize TBA)
10 shot Standing kneeling shoot = £1 (Cash Prize TBA )

pistol shoot £1 for15 ish shot? (bit of fun, £10 1st place)

Zero - Free
Raffle - Main shoot card is put in the box for the draw.

Classes as per Bfta, but Wafta dont have AA so all AA + A class shoot as A class!

Be good to see some new faces there as well as the old ones.
Be even better to see some shooters having a go at ft for the first time.

Shooting starts about 9am.
