Having recently had my interest sparked in oldie airguns I will be keeping my eyes open for either a:

BSA Improved Model D .22;

or a BSA Club Special .177 (No.4, 45 inch).......

Looking on the t'interweb, prices seem to vary wildly.......

What do the learned gentlefolk in this fine section feel is the current 'sensible' going rate for tidy examples of the above? (Leaving to one side the 'things are worth what people are willing to pay for it' aspect....).

Are there specific variations on the above models that will significantly affect the asking price? As this is me just dipping my toe in, my main interest is in acquiring a nice tidy shooting example - I'm not looking to pay top dollar for a variaition for rarity sake alone, if that makes sense.

Thanks in advance for any helpful advice given! I posted a question a month or so again that has lead me to narrow my search for the above rifles, and I got quite a few really useful and interesting replies, so thanks again to those who posted on that thread - fonts of knowledge that really helped someone like me who knows next to nothing on the subject!


All the best,
