Quote Originally Posted by Grayling View Post
Myself and MallyAlly had a great time, got in early after slipping the door guys a little extra , so beating I.J to all the prospective goodies . I'm certainly glad we came. Mally and myself had a brilliant day all round. Massive truckers brekkie at the Hollies truck stop on the A5 to start us off and a few nice cold and very welcome pints in a nice pub in Penkridge on the way home.

At the fayre I bought a load of old 1986/87 Airgunner mags always a good read, my sons can't believe how primitive these old mags are all in black and white. Also got pristine box of Sussex Sabo (WITH LOADING PEN ) and a very nice vintage break barrel Milbro from the late 20's early 30's very similar to the Diana Mod 27 of that time which shoots lovely after a nice session in the garden, both from Rivi's John (No City). Plus a box of Champion Polaris from Chris (HW Vixen) sadly still on the banned list but hopefully Gareth may be able to sort that .

Did want, but never got my tin of much hoped for Champion Ballistic but still live in hope. I thought it was a brilliant idea and look forward to the next one.

It was brilliant to see the AirgunBBS Cammo king Pad E again after so long, last time I saw him was when he travelled all the way from Birmingham to Liverpool Royal Hospital to visit me when I was laid up with a smashed knee and Pelvis in Jan 2010. So another reason to have another collectors fayre, its a place to meet old friends.

Well done to all who put the work in to make this event possible .
Thanks Gary

Nice day out, good meeting up with old friends. Didn't stay long was on a tight schedule.

I didn't buy anything, even though there were 2 Jackals & a Jackal stock there . I must be getting sane in my old age

I would of went for that SA Sabo Pellets & Insert Pen if you didn't bribe your way in early.

Hope to be at the next one,
