So, my wife is at Brent Cross, doing the back to school shopping. My 8 year old son spots a spud gun (plastic, bright orange) in the toy section. She thinks, ok, fair enough, adds it to the basket.

When she gets to the till, Einstein behind the counter spots the spud gun and asks, is this for him. (No, doofus, spud guns are all the rage with 40 something year old mums, didn't you know?) Yes, she says, it is. To which he replies.....

"You can't buy that. It's a gun".

(My wife knows better than to waste time arguing with morons, (after all it's never done her any good with me) so she just left it. I wish I had been there. I LOVE arguing with morons.)

Now, my question is, who do I ring about the dangerous guns that John Lewis are selling? Not to mention the swords and stuff, yes, they are plastic, and small, but that just makes then undetectable, innit?

Coming on the back of the announcement that school children will get free tickets for every olympic event except shooting (because we can't expose them to the filth that is Ladies 10m air pistol, better that they see something nice and peaceful like judo or boxing, eh) this has been a bad day.