Quote Originally Posted by junaid8 View Post
I have the same problem to but not that badly. I find laser sights for pistols work well for me, so I just focus on the target and sight the laser onto it. Probably sounds stupid to some people but that works for me.
But not if you're a 10m comp shooter

As Magic has stated, the foresight should remain in focus and be sharp, the target will be blurred to most of us, especially the older shooters as the eyes are the first things to let go as we age.

The rear sight should be opened up to give at least the same width of the foresight to each side of the foresight post and the left or right of the rearsight edge. This will appear blurred to many as well, just pop the foresight post in the middle.

Aim "sub 6" which is the line between the 5 and 6 rings and judge the distance below the black blur of the 7 ring. This obviously takes practice but it will allow some very accurate shooting once you perfect the technique.

If you still struggle, then using shooting optics helps especially using an iris. A cheap and easy way is to fit a small peice of black or dark blue neoprene type felt to a small paper clip and burn a small hole in the centre. Position this on your glasses so that you have to look through the hole to see both sights and target. The iris will force your eyes to focus more of the sights and target and make the image seem crisper.
