Sunday 27th we will have a 30 target course set up around our wood, a very well stocked plinking range and we also have our zero lane for any checks needed.

We will also be having our exciting 3 minute snooker comp again with a prize for the winner. This has changed from the normal 5 minute one and only single shot only can take part. Rules are like snooker you have to hit a red then a colour then a red again and so on.......

Or just come for a lovely relaxed shoot in lovely surroundings and a bit of chat and banter.

All the usual FREE GRUB, TEA, COFFEE ETC..... ( BUT CANS ARE 50P)

Non-member adult...£7
Non-member junior...£4 ( Remember your days shoot, YOUR LUNCH, BISCUITS, TEA, COFFEEE ETC.... are
included in this.)

members adult.....£5
members junior.....£3

Safety brief 10-15am

Hopefully the weather stays nice!