Hello there, first time user and it is nice to see that some like minded sorts still exist and are not phased by the general public's paranoid knee jerk response to anything vaguely resembling a firearm, oh for the happy days when they were thought of as a childhood rite of passage. First tooth first step, first day at school, first air pistol, in that order but hopefully not all on the same day. I still believe that in the right hands they can be used to instil responsibility and respect in youngsters and hopefully a little common sense and an insight into action reaction also sharpening up basic common sense and survival instincts.
Huge fan of Bill Hicks and a lot of time for Jerry Saddowitz, Dennis Leary and Frankie Boyle, can't stand Lee Evans or Eddie Izzard. Interests include Veg Gardening, science and Technology, Foreign Cinema,Travel, Reading and talking to people with a brain and an open mind about the great questions in life, a far too rare enough occurrence these days. Used to have an interest in politics but so far as modern politics goes seems as though it is same p**s different bottle and a case of "Don't pass water down my neck and tell me it's raining".
Anyway, here's hoping to say hello to to you all at some point.