Well Folks

Back in July, John (HW55t) asked me what gun I thought Weihrauch should produce to celebrate their 2,000,000th gun.

Without really thinking about it this was my reply :-

It would be nice if Weihrauch produced a limited run of aniversary 35s --- but not any old 35s.

As the 35 cylinder is made in two parts brazed together I'd like to see the breach jaws section made with a machined 25mm ID X 30mm OD cylinder on the back of it with a 3mm OD X 4mm long transfer port.
This could be slid into the standard HW35 30mm Id cylinder and brazed in, so giving the same arrangement as the Walther LGV. The piston could then be made the same as a TX200/LGV with bearings.
Now as this would reduce the transfer port length from 26.3mm to 4mm there would be an extra 22.3mm stroke length to play with, but I'd stick with about 71mm as this still works in a standard 35 stock with no alterations to the woodwork.
A standard HW77/97 spring could be used in this cylinder coupled with a standard spring guide, back block and trigger unit.

Externally I'd like to see a carbine barrel with blended in slimline silencer and the whole lot set in a 35E walnut stock.

For a little bling it would be nice if the trigger block and barrel catch were gold plated and the trigger, trigger guard and pistol grip cap were made from brass.

The reason I'd like to see a HW35 made as I outlined above is the simple fact that Weihrauch would only have to produce 2 new main components to make a powerplant on a par with the new Walther LGV.
This would also give a proper old school retro gun with up to date guts.
This powerplant could also be retrofitted to any older 35s needing an upgrade.

The blingy bits outlined are a nod to some of the old school tuners.

Gold plated Trigger housing --- Northern Arms, Gold Sierra 77

Plated barrel latch --- Normay, Vixen 35

Slimline Silencer --- Venom

Brass Trigger and Guard --- Airmasters/Venom

Brass Pistol grip cap --- T R Robb

I doubt it will ever happen --- but I may make one for a laugh.

Well, Tony (bigtoe) picked up on this idea and has sleeved a few HW80s down to a 25mm bore and short stroked them with great success so I thought I should get on with a HW35LGV :- so I've made a start.

After gettting the breech block out of my spare HW35 cylinder and doing a bit of measuring the design of the gun was fixed in my head (6.75mm long transfer port and 25mm X 71mm stroke).


Bigtoe came to my rescue (cheers Tony) in supplying me with a length of 25mm ID x 30mm OD tube and a 16 joule Walther LGV service kit.


After a bit of machining today on the HW35 breech block I ended up with this :-

http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/...5012006683.jpg (crap photo )

As you can see machining the breech down broke through into both the breech latch slot and the hole for the barrel stop ---- this was expected.

So the holes were welded shut and the block remachined to accept the 25mm ID tube.


With the 25mm tube welded to the breech block I should end up with an assembly that looks like this :-


When that major part of the build is complete I'll concentrate on modifying the piston to length to enable the standard 35 cocking link to work on the rim on the rear of the LGV piston.


I'll keep you all posted on progress and by way of a thankyou I'll be posting on Tony's blog with a bit more detail.

All the best Mick