The revised MPL scoring system ( all cards scored inwards) has worked very well this season and has been a benefit for all of us as it has made the scoring easy and clear cut for everyone to understand.

The third season of the MPL will start in July 2013, and the only (possible) suggested change will be the kicker bonus - as discussed here on this thread.

The debate has been good and both sides of the subject has been well represented, so can I suggest that we do keep the kicker bonus (for all the good reasons that it was devised in the first place), but revise the points bonus to +3 points per card ?

I think we have enough experience with the MPL and the revised scoring system so far to know that we all want to keep the bonus system, but that it is regarded as being a little generous at +4 points per card (plus 16 points per round).

I would like to further suggest that if we make this change to plus 3 points per card ( plus 12 points per round) that it then becomes permanent and is not put up for revision again in the future as we do still need to encourage the use of "kickers" in this series and do not want anyone to think that the bonus system will continue to be eroded further in the future.