Here's one of my mystery air pistols that I have had sitting in a drawer for a few years and I thought I would give it an airing. Anyone know anything about it?

Now here's a challenge. Can anyone work out from the photo how it cocks and shoots ? (Not you Trev – I know you have seen it before). All will eventually be revealed with some extra pix. It is a springer, and in all fairness I should tell you that I have left a cocking aid out of the picture to make it a bit harder.

The pistol is well made, obviously very old and almost certainly of British origin. It is inscribed with the "PAT. 1876", the initials B & C, and the number 4. I have never been able to locate a relevant patent from that year, but if anyone knows otherwise I would be delighted to hear from you. It shoots darts with a pretty hefty punch.

Let's see whose the sharpest of them all.