As yesterday's challenge about a mystery air pistol aroused a bit of interest I thought I would throw another mystery one into the forum and stir up a bit of discussion. The challenge is to identify this pistol and I have a vested interest in this is, as I know very little about how this gun actually works and am keen to get some more information if I can. Unfortunately I don't own one, and I don't know anyone who does, so the picture I have is not great. Here it is:

Not everyone's cup of tea, and definitely not vintage, but very interesting. It is a springer, .177 calibre, and the piston moves rearwards on firing as for the Webleys. However the barrel is fixed and the gun is cocked by an underlever – presumably the extended trigger guard but I'm not sure.

Anyone able to identify it? I do know who made it and when, and I will reveal all if no one else comes up with the goods.