Quote Originally Posted by slinger69 View Post
I'm really looking forward to Boinger Bash 2014. Its a brilliant concept Mick. I've not been able to read the whole thread, but is someone producing a Boinger Bash 'T' Shirt? You'd know if attendances made it worth while. Anyway, I'd buy one. Was at the Nelson Shooting Club in South Wales last weekend. A member there remembered you "Building your bonfire with a JCB".

Hi Gwyn

And welcome to the BBS.

I think a couple of lads are looking into producing a Boinger Bash T shirt --- I don't really have time to get involved in that as I'm busy with preparations at present.
Hopefully I'll have the ground anchors for the poly tunnel in the ground by the end of the weekend.

I didn't actually build the bonfire with a JCB, I split it in two --- I'd asked my Godson, who runs a skip lorry to tip rubbish for a bonfire and he got a bit carried away.
If we'd lit the original fire then planes heading for East Midlands Airport would have had to be diverted to Castle Brom.

All the best Mick