It must be 3 or 4 years ago that Carl ("Gamo Cfx" now, formerly "Ulverston") gave me a really rough Webley Mk one pistol to play with. It is that long ago I cannot remember exactly what was missing. I get the feeling It had one grip. The barrel catch was broken. I think the sear might have been buggered and the barrel band had come loose and torn the cocking arm.
I asked on here for various bits and pieces and looked on Flea bay. David Sanderson (I forget his user name on here) offered to make a new barrel band. He did a great job except the pistol would not cock afterwards .Looking at it next to another barrel, revealed that it had previously been repaired and they had put the band in the wrong place. David very kindly redid the job for me. I ordered a set of grip blanks off Andy (Airgunner .177) and I think John (Duomatic 410) sorted me out with a cheap barrel catch. By now my housing problems had taken a bad turn and everything went in storage.
After finally finding a place, I had a look at the bits and stuck them together. The barrel fitted, the grips looked ok,the piston washer seemed ok and the breech seal I had made seemed dry. It looked like I had put a smaller spring with the gun (maybe a Webley junior or just an odd one?).
Anyhow, today it is up and plinking. A bit down on power with that spring but pretty accurate, shooting at about 5 O'clock now until I adjust the sights.
Was it worth doing? Probably not at all, but the thing is it is now up and running and all the trauma is forgotten about.