Quote Originally Posted by vobster View Post
Thanks very much. Also, can the piston come out without stripping the trigger?
It can but requires a set procedure that is easy to do but difficult to explain. What yo have to do is pull the trigger back and hold it .....then looking at the rear of the trigger unit you have to lift the rear end of the sear up ( assuming you have the rifle upside down in a gun cradle with trigger unit uppermost), and keep it there ,against sear spring pressure, whilst sliding the piston out.
What I do is pull back the trigger and zip tie it back, then lift up the rear end of the sear about 3mm using a sharp instrument.......then whilst holding it up insert a small screwdriver from the side ( in between sear and cylinder),to wedge the sear out of the way of the piston.
It is easier to do than it was to explain.