Quote Originally Posted by Lansdown View Post

Accuracy was, though, definitely an issue (probably me as much as anything else) - they all shot high at least 6 to 8” above point of aim at about 40 yds. To the extent that most initially missed the target I had until I changed my point of aim. From the ones that did hit the target there was no evidence of bullet tumble, just nice clean round holes in the paper target.

I have had a quick look, but have not yet found any sort of ballistic info on minie’s so does anyone one have any rough idea what sort of drop I could expect from a minie between 40 and 100yds? (hopefully that makes sense).

Again thanks to those who sent me some samples – it’s a great firearm I just need to get to know it a lot better, which I am looking forward to!!!

Lansdown (Bob)
As a benchmark you might be interested to know that a trained marksman could consistently hit a 4" circle at 200 yards.

I'm still trying to do that at 100 yards.