Quote Originally Posted by Bjacobs571 View Post
When you ordered from them did they send any messages after the automated ordering emails, before the pistols arrived?
I ordered from them on Sunday evening and also emailed a picture of my driving licence immediately after. I was hoping to get a message from them today but I didn't. I am not worried they will take my money, but I would like to know they have received all the information they need.
When I have ordered from them the only thing that I got from them was a knock on my front door a few days later when it arrived in fact the only way that I was shore that the order had gone through ok was by looking on my C-card site where it said that the money had been paid out.

Other people will say that they got emails from them etc but I got nothing the only email that I ever got from them was when I ordered the colt python on pree order and I got worried after a month of nothing but they just said still awaiting stock to arrive and a week or so later it just arrived not the best communicators but trustworthy I would say.