Morning All,

I was Just was wondering what everyone intends to do with this possible new law coming in up here in Scotland?

I have not been following it too closely but I wondered if anyone knows if the law is now a formality and we are waiting for it to kick in next year or, would a good QC be able to reverse or challenge the decision, or reform the rules? I know BASC was lobbying, but does anyone know how much actual cash they spent on the process or if they just sent allot of emails? I'm not trying or wanting to offend anyone at BASC, so please don't take it that way, but it would be good to know what level they took it to. Petitions are normally a waste of paper - but a good QC...they can cause allot of pain!

I'm also wondering if I should now crank up the power on my HW 100 to say 13lbs and have it sit on an FAC. I assume this is OK?

My problem with this law is that I always opted for an Air Riffle for the simplicity of it. Ammo is cheap and there is no regulatory cost or admin. Now that the government are creating a burden - there is no longer any incentive to stick with an Air Riffle and thus, they have removed the regulatory disincentive for me to get an FAC.

So I'm thinking about getting a .22LR for general shooting rabbits and a 2.43 or 2.70 for deer stalking, although I'm leaning toward the 2.70 for Red stags, as I think the 2.43 is OK for Red Hinds, but too light for Stags. I live close to some great Stalking (Reds, Fallow and Roe), so it should not be too difficult to get a license.

So, if I get the power increased on the air riffle so that it sits at FAC level, am I correct in thinking; I don't have to mess around with the the air gun certificate...or would I need:

1. Air riffle certificate for my FAC air riffle, and
2. FAC for the .22 and the 2.70?

I'm assuming it's only the FAC I would need? Even then, the daft thing about this legislation is that the legislation's net effect on me (and I expect allot of people in the air gun community) will be an upgrade to FAC. In my situation, I will be upgrading to FAC, buying two new high powered riffles, one of which is extremely powerful, and I will be increasing the power on my current air I will own more guns with more power, as there is no longer any disincentive to get the FAC. The American Gun Lobby must think this Scottish Air Riffle Legislation is great - a home run - the Scottish Government are shooting themselves in the foot - pun intended!


Best regards