First let me point out that I am a collector who likes old things, and also likes to shoot at home from time to time.

Is the 102 noticeably more muzzle heavy than the 100?

Were there any reliability problems relating to the fact that cocking of the 102 is a double stroke business as opposed to single?

I have spent hours on the web trying to find reviews of this gun, and come up with almost nothing, so my request for information is not laziness.

I know that the 103 is the Rolls Royce of ssps, but I would have to re-mortgage my house to buy one.

I find myself torn between the FWB100, 102 and the Walther LPM1. The only thing that puts me off the Walther is the cocking effort. I am 68 years old, and my wife says I am no longer good for anything.

Is it really that hard?