Quote Originally Posted by rovercoupe View Post
Is there anywhere online that has the history of the airsporter with pictures of all the mks? I had one years ago and i am at the point where I would like one but unsure which mk i want to get!
There are a number of big fans on here (including me) who have a mass of collective knowledge (excluding me), regarding the history of most guns. If you search "Airsporter" you'll come up with enough reading material to keep you going for a long time. Many of the threads/posts contain links to brochures and other material.

For pictures and other technical info, you can also go to Chamber's website.

However, if you want to save yourself a lot of agonising over which to get, just buy a decent, unmolested Mk1 or Mk2. You won't get a better Airsporter and you will have one of the nicest looking air rifles ever produced, not to mention the fastest reloading single shot springer ever.

P.S. I'm ever so slightly biased.