**Rant mode on**

Miserable sods

Why is it that every gun shop that I seem to frequent the staff are so sodding miserable

Ok we all have our bad days but it doesn't seem to matter which day that is

Surely I can't be alone in this

For some reason all my local RFD's just seem to have that uninterested, slapped arse look on there chevy chase

Crikey even a false smile would do

I won't mention no RFD names but within a 30 mile radius I have visited at least 9 RFD's and 8 of them I would consider to be not very friendly one of them is ok but he's still a miserable sod

Jeez one of them I've even bought multiple new guns from over the last 2 years and I was very close to not buying one of my latest purchases as the young chap on the counter was so disinterested and sodding miserable

I don't expect balloons, party hats and a round of applause when I walk in a gunshop although it would be nice just a nice open smile and a bit of banter wouldn't go amiss

Sadly it's probably a sign of the times and not exclusive to gun shops, I've been in retail and would never be so miserable when customer facing.

Do we actually have that thing called a Happy Gun Shop??

**Rant mode finished**