Quote Originally Posted by Duggan View Post
These are my recently acquired Weihrauchs. I cant see what all the fuss is about the length of the HW35E. The HW 77 may actually be a tad longer.... They didnt do many carbines in the 70's....

Anyway I musnt of had my glasses on looking at the Export, it does have a nice walnut grain and it is better again on the reverse. CAN YOU CUT THE BARRELS DOWN TO SIZE AND RETAIN ACCURRACY, ANYONE ? Theres lots been cropped so I guess so, and I've been told so. Just looking for others opinions


Nice selection there.Has the Luxus got a 22" barrel as well ? One of mine has a 22" barrel ,the 35 models were available with the 22" barrel as an option it was not just restricted to the Export model which refers to the stock.

You can happily shorten the barrel & recrown it, usually with no accuracy problems but save the Export