I've been offered a rather nice slr98 in 22, I have never owned on before, or handled one but they look beautiful, aren't available anymore, so will hold there value? And maybe increase in value? As the years go by.. The last three are pure speculation
Are these rifles worth a look? How easy are they to get spares for?

The next rifle is a beautiful prosport, which I have owned previously and really enjoy its balance and quality looks

The Slr98 is like a thorn in my side, I know what the prosport is all about, but tempted to go for the slr98 for something different and the fact that it will hold its value alot better as they are far and few between.

The rifle will be used for shooting pigeon, rabbit squirrel and rat

The other benefit the slr98 has is its multishot so would be good on a cold u winter nights ratting.

Any idea's which would you purchase and way? Any help appreciated