Today's bodge...sorry, expertly engineered solution was, to straighten a .177 factory screw cut HW90 carbine barrel...With the breech block cushioned in the big vice, this bugger was a bit too short to get a hold of and bend by hand so I turned a couple of bushes to fit on the barrel, giving plenty of clearance around the threaded muzzle, slid the big pipe on and janked it back, job's a good'un!...

The small bush was pushed up against the breech block but it could be held in place by a small brass or nylon grub screw to apply pressure where ever you want it along the barrel.

This barrel was given to me as a lost cause by a member of SDFTC on Sunday last, at the club. It was bent upwards at the breech block end by about 3mm or so over the length - measured using a steel rule off the breech block. He is also a member on here so, Tom, if you're reading this mate...thanks for the barrel (...and, of course, you can have it back if you want it mate )