Quote Originally Posted by NewPaul View Post
Back home now from a lovely weekend up that North. Got to travel quite a bit of the N.E coast, a visit to Baldinio and family for a fine meal and as a bonus I popped into our beloved Quigley Hollow on the off chance Mick may have been home and as it happens, as I was driving down the lane towards The Hollow, I see a yellow Range Rover coming in the opposite direction and thought - that's gotta be Mick, and it was, damn -just missed him I thought so I pulled up at the gate to the fields to show my Karen where it is I disappear to four times a year when a few minutes later, Mick pulls up, he had seen me flying past in the opposite direction and recognised my number-plate (which isn't anything special or particular) and turned back to greet me - how cool is that. So, we had a little venture into the field to see the ponies, had a nice cup of tea in Micks and got to see a few of Micks many guns.

Cheers Mick, you're a star and many thanks for turning around and coming back to see us and being the usual special host that you always are

I'd swear I saw Captain Bongo peeping around the hedge over by Brokeback Corner

What a splendid finale to a lovely weekend, Pauly.

You're right, our Mick sure is a star; willing to host wandering Boingeristi when they travel by.

I think he had a feeling you'd be going, though....it was all in the Quigley Hollow tea leaves.

Or, maybe, he saw your post!