Quote Originally Posted by weebster View Post
Lmao...there may well be a nugget of truth in that,wd40 was iirc made from fish oil many many moons ago,a sort of 'cod liver oil' in an aerosol
fish oil ? nope

What a Fish story!
Myth: WD-40® contains fish oil.

Fact: Consumers have told us over the years that they have caught some of the biggest fish ever after protecting their fish hooks and lures with WD-40®. We believe this legend came from folks assuming that the product must contain fish oil since it appears to attract fish. Sorry Charlie®, it just ain’t so.
WD-40 Company has taken steps to respect and conserve the environment, and encourages its users to do the same. While WD-40® can be used to help protect fishing equipment from rust and corrosion, WD-40 Company does not recommend using WD-40® to attract fish.

“WD-40® Cures Arthritis!” No Way.
Myth: WD-40® cures arthritis.

Fact: This popular headline, appearing at least once a year in the tabloids, is completely FALSE. WD-40 Company does not recommend the use of WD-40® for medical purposes, and knows no reason why WD-40® would be effective for arthritis pain relief. WD-40® contains petroleum distillates and should be handled with the same precautions for any product containing this type of material