Quote Originally Posted by TonyL View Post
Yep, given that prognosis, Pauly, I reckon the scope shouod most certainly be under scrutiny.

Also (and I have bugger all first-hand experience with PCPs and trouble-shooting), I wonder if the barrel band may also be at fault?
Done that Tone. When Chris was here the other weekend he suggested that, so we released the barrell band and re-settled it. Most of today's shooting was perfect so assumed we'd cracked it and then after stopping shooting for an hour, went back to the rifle and got the 'shift' again. The week before it was just doing the same but holding horizontal and going 2" consistently left If I re-zero, the cycle starts again. The lads at the range are a similar bunch to The Bashees so I did wonder if there was a turret twiddler amongst us but no, messing aside, it wasn't that, they were all a bit stumped.