I sent a replacement trigger blade out the other day in one of the tiniest jiffy bags you've ever seen, now it flat with a tiny little bump in the middle, the first thing asked was "does it contain anything flammable or any batteries?", well you could guess the answer I gave, she then proceeded to stick it through the little thin slot on here plastic guideline gauge, which it just didn't go through, now in all my years I've never ever seen a letterbox that thin (unless they are trying to put stuff under doors nowadays), when you say that too them and ask for an honest answer, they just don't know what to say, I sent a form to DVLA once and they tried to stick it through the little slot again, I said to them that do you honestly think that the masses of letters that get sent to DVLA everyday that the postman is going to stick them through a slot that tiny, we all know they are going to be taken in a mailbag and is it that hard for a postman nowadays to stick a slightly thicker letter in a normal size letterbox?

It seems a bit of a pisstake.
