Quote Originally Posted by baldinio View Post
If its any consolation we've even had rain in sunny sedari, however the bars have remained dry so I was none the worse Hitchcock flew the nest so to speak a couple of weeks ago and hasn't been sighted since. Whilst I'm glad he's now making his way in the big wide world I still miss him. However having a superb time on hols. Then when we get home I'm off to Brittany for a few days to see my folks, la tristesse durera toujours as they say in foreign parts. Moley if your good self and Mel had of joined us it would probably have been the best hols ever, suspect Corfu would never recover though . Although of course the jewel in the crown is seeing you lot next month. Can't wait to come home just to look forward to the impending bash.

Much love

Sounds like your having a good time mate I've just got back from a baccy run to Belgium. Shame about Hitchcock leaving home but at the same time you should be pleased that you brought him up to make his way in the world. I wouldn't be surprised if he turns up at some stage, either at your place or, in the local newspaper. The Bash will be upon us soon Can't wait.