I only went in for a gunbag, then the Mrs saw a pocket knife she wanted, then I remembered to get some more pellets, and then...

I saw the bottom half of a rifle poking out from under a display sign at the back of the shop. What I could see was black and red, when it was beought down it was covered in a thick layer of dust and plenty of cobwebs.

Oh yes, a Gunpower Edge!

I've only ever read bad things about them, but usually by bitter and twisted traditionalists who think its too light, too red and not walnutty enough by half! I gave it to Mrs Bum who shouldered it and immediately felt comfortable in a standing stance. She has osteoarthritis and rheumatism and struggles to hold or shoot any gun standing. The fella said he'd do a deal and a price was given. Tempted? I should say so! I ummed and arghed for a bit, but then decided I would see if it was still available after the bash. It'd been there for years, it was a pretty safe bet!

Whoosh! Mr's Bums card flew past nearly removing my ear. "I'll buy it!" Being the shout. She wasn't prepared to risk losing it so bought it there and then.

I've set it up so it's a proper fit and zero'd it in. It's very consistent and exceedingly accurate, the triggers not the best, but perfectly useable, and the elastic band around the breech is perished and will need replacing.

Overall I can't see what the fuss was about, its a nice little gun.

Let the ridicule begin!