I only own one spring rifle for HFT and a PCP for for when its pouring with rain on a competition.
I don't wan't to ruin my hold sensitivity for shooting the springer by owning and shooting various rifles so I'm keeping it at that (I'm considering maybe buying a FWB Sport 124 for classic HFT comps someday)

However I've got around 28 vintage air pistols and they all have to be shot.
I use a FWB 90 for Pistol hft, a FWB 100 for 10 meter, and all the others get taken to the club in rotation for general plinking. The variety of design and mechanism of these mainly spring powered air pistols is for me a source of continuing enjoyment.
I do get a bit nervous shooting with the Minters but I find the rule that they have to be shot helps keep the collection under control. Any reasonably common one's that I don't shoot regularly will get sold on.

I also find that shooting them encourages me to get them working to the best of their potential which can lead to some enjoyable research, servicing and restoration.

I feel that these things were made to be shot and that I'm doing them a service by keeping them 'alive.' but each to their own.

.....also pistols take up much less room.
