I do not understand the fashion for short barrels these days. That I can see, many people with short barrels have to place an extender at the end of the barrel in order to cock the rifle. This, surely, removes the benefit of having a short barrel. In addition, short barrels tend not to have foresights, so the option of using open sights is also lost.

What advantage is there in a short barrel? Some people think it is better for quick shooting and is easier to point but surely this is only at the margin?

What am I missing in this?

Is there any difference in the accuracy between short barrels and the rather longer versions that are more traditional? This question, I think, is the most important and I do not know the answer but my inclination is to believe that the longer barrel is rather more accurate. Is there any research on this?

Views, opinions, guidance, advice, arguments and counter arguments will be eagerly read!