Quote Originally Posted by wobbly bob View Post
I am not much influenced by other people’s thinking. I tend to look at the facts and decide for myself. However, it hardly furthers the public understanding of science to promulgate the idea, in the complete absence of any empirical evidence, that animals may feel more pain because they are stupid.

The general consensus is that humans evolved when we freed up some thinking time by ditching the veggies and climbing to the top of the food chain. On the other hand, no one would disagree with the idea of reducing animal suffering as far as possible. And few would argue that a woody taken with a head shot has not had a better deal than a battery hen.
Well that's rubbish,
Humans are omnivores, that is physically demonstrated by our teeth which have evolved to be both sharp meat cutting & flat vegetable /cereal grinding.
Primitive Humans were nomadic hunter gatherers, long before they became settled farmers.
Since Humans have become settled farmers the amount of meat in our diet has increased because it's constantly available where as hunting is not always successful.

Animals raised by intensive farming (like battery hens) do not miss what they have never known, any more than a yob raised in inner city tower blocks misses walking through rolling woods & mountains when he has never known that lifestyle.
However to capture & cage "wild" animals is a totally different matter.

Do birds & animals feel pain ? yes of course they do, which is why we as so called "superior" creatures should go out of our way to ensure that they suffer as little as possible, when we harvest them for food or eliminate them as vermin.

Sub 12 hunting can be perfectly acceptable & humane when it is done within sensible limits, but it can also be completely unacceptable when those limits are not respected.
Personally speaking I prefer to reduce/remove those limitations by only hunting with FAC.

Vegan/vegetarian - primitive descriptive term for the village idiot who cannot be taught to hunt, fish or light fires.