I only popped into the shop to pick up a PCP that needed resealing, but you know how these things go.....

"Anything interesting?" Is my usual opening gambit. This time a full length mk2 Hw80 was brought down from the rack. "Fella bought it years back and only fired a dozen shots".
Yeah, I've heard that one before. Still, the price was right so it came home with me.

I'd barely got through the door when some screwdrivers fell out onto the table and gave me the sad eye treatment my black lab is so good at. A couple of minutes later and I am finding evidence of little to no use; the breech block has the lightest of cockng marks on one side and none on the other. The trigger and cocking slot are still covered in orange goo and there is not a single mark on the screw heads or trigger pins. Wahey!

The gun dates from 2001 so it has no safety warnings stamped into it, the proper 15.6mm ID spring and a 13.6 OD rear guide! That explains the twanging then.

Anyway, it's back together, shooting sweetly and ready for a little armed ramblng at the weekend.

Bring on the snow!