Hi all,

Many years ago I used to go to a funny little shop in Shirley Southampton, I think it was called Handleys, it was a strange little place as it was a second hand shop but mainly sold air rifles and fishing gear, his pellets where the cheapest in the area, once I was in there he had an old plastic military stocked Sussex Armoury Jackel (like the Hi power, firepower) BUT this is where it differs from the normal ones, it had a wooden butt from the pistol grip backwards (like you would see on the early Belgium FN SLR rifles), anyway I bought it and had it for a while, now I'm not sure what happened to the rifle in the end, I may have sold/swapped it with Pat (Mr. Gen) as we've done a lot of trading of stuff in the past, anyway I was in the loft the other day looking through boxes when a photo of said rifle suddenly appeared, it's not the best of photo's but it shows the wooden stock before I dissected it for my own pleasure as I thought at the time it was a bit of an oddity and just wanted to see how well it had been done.

Now I'm not sure if this was a proper factory rifle or a very good conversion as it was very well done and the join between the plastic stock and wooden butt was very clean and crisp (didn't look like it had been knocked up in a shed somewhere) and even the bolt that was fixed into the butt went through a hole in the back of the stock and had a nut that done up to secure it to the stock, the access area to get at said nut was in a square hollowed out area which had a little plastic square cover that pushed into the hole, so to me seemed like something professionally done.

Not sure how I can get said photo shown on here?

An interesting rifle which I often wish I'd kept because of the curiosity factor.
