Hi all
New to this forum, from the Little Karoo situated in the Western Cape South Africa. As a result of being bored to death as a result of Covid 19 and having being involved with firearms all my life decided to look for a small project to spend some time on. Years ago I had a Falk 80 but they are like hen's teeth out here and decided to investigate the BSA airsporter. I found one and serial number is
EA 15110 which means its the BSA Airsporter/Club Mk1. It cost me in at today's exchange rate 45.00 pounds. Overall the condition is excellent with no pitting at all, the blue is, in fact, a light coating of rust. there is no markings at all indicating BSA except on the stock and that is barely visible from repeated sanding. At this stage, it is completely stripped and all components are shiny bright waiting for the old rust bluing process as done many years ago when time and money were not so important. I have bought a chunk of American Black Walnut which will replace the 3 piece packing case stock which is cracked in 3 places. I have done a number of similar projects in the past and will post some pictures in the future.
Rifles and airguns to me are not a problem but navigating around a computer is like being at sea to me, I will just have to learn.
I sent an email to your admin asking for help on how to use this forum but got no reply. How do you post pictures? can someone help?
all of you stay safe