Thanks to John Melewski I have at last assembled my collection of Webley, orange sectored pellet tins dating from the 1970s. The much more common tin containing 500 .22 pellets is easily sourced, but finding the other variations has taken me nearly five years to complete. Of the remaining three tins, the one containing 250 .22 pellets was the easiest to find with the other two taking much longer due to their relative rarity. The interesting thing about these two tins is that they break the Webley convention of orange for .22 and green for .177 as they are marked as containing 500 and 200 .177 pellets respectively. Nobody really knows why this anomaly occurred, but the general consensus is that there was an error made during the creation of the artwork which Webley didn't believe worth correcting before placing the pellets on the market.

I'm just waiting for somebody to report a similar anomaly with the green sectored tins marked as containing .22 pellets at which point I reckon I will just give up.
