Short history, I had a Diana g36 passed down to me from my elder brother when I was 13 in 1964, had a lot of fun with it plinking in the garden, eventually it got forgotten and left to rust in a loft, moving on a few years!, it resurfaced recently as I was practicing my polishing to get some blacking done , had three guns done in the end , the g36 included , so decided to put it back together .
I have converted the piston to synthetic lip seal , a sized TX 200 that seems to be sealing ok, made a new breech seal out of nylon , blued this up and its seating well.
I have now come to a problem with the spring, I can remember my Dad taking me to a local gun shop to source a stronger spring to "get the power up ", so its got a monster spring with way too much preload , problem is I cant find the specification for the spring anywhere, so wondered if any of you knowledgeable chaps have any Idea what the original might have been like , fingers crossed and thanks in advance .