Fingers very much crossed for Paul, Mick.

And my heartfelt condolences to all who have lost family and friends to this horrible disease.

The c---- who don't take this seriously really wind me up. And as for those "Covid Deniers" protesting and conspiracy theorists. What we actually need is for a much, much stricter and wider reaching lockdown, not this pretend one we're having......shops open for click and collect? What's all that about. LOADS of traffic about......where are they all going? There's a chippy just around the corner from us that we walk past on one of our walks. It's only small yet you'll often see up to four people waiting / queuing inside! I think they should be closed. But, at least if they were to open, just let people in one at a time and make people wait outside? Does my head in. The increased fines announced yesterday were a step in the right direction, but only apply to gatherings of 15 or more.. So, party away dick heads, but keep it below 14.

If only if all the twats and non-believers could see inside the ICU wards and see how much the staff are struggling. Witness the death and suffering and see that it is so real......And why won't it get into their thick skulls that if everyone behaved and stuck to the rules, then we'll all be out of this so much sooner?

Makes my blood boil.