Yep, its made in this 'cheap'form for years now.
I dont know if its the same Match as recently (that is, with 'extra quality' barrel). Or that it is just the Standard or Sport version in disguise. I actually think the last; the original Match wasnt sold much. Was very rare. The Standard was probably 90% of their sales.
Silhouet has changed accordingly; no more laminate.
Probably still has same accessoiries. Incl the rear weight bar. Allthough never used it on either Tau 7 I have/had.
Theyre focussing more and more on their pcp range.
Theyre doing very well. Their PCP guns have their flaws but have ingenious elements too and are véry nice to shoot
Pitty they dont have the Safari any more. Havent seen one for many years.