Quote Originally Posted by TonyL View Post
I found some excellent videos on line when reawakening my interest a few months ago which really helped. If you fancied it, search out videos on that well-known platform from Gamekeeper John, Catty Shack, Catapult Carnage, Simpleshot, Snipersling, Axiom Outdoors......there's loads to go at re band length, thickness, tapers etc..

Quote Originally Posted by Segata View Post
Theres not a lot to it per se, you've got thickness, length of draw and band recovery, Thickness often dictates how hard it'll hit and last, length of draw can have effect on how much you can control the power and recovery pretty much covers speed, better it is the faster your projectile is going to reach its target.
Annoyingly they tend to only give thickness for tubes as I'm still trying to choose candidates for the Custom Pair as I want something good but not the same as the High power band already on the Cobra.

Most of the other terms don't really have any effect other than what feels comfortable to you, OTT (Over the Forks) and TTF(through the forks) dictates how the projectile is released (your Black Widow is TTF), Fork width can go wide to non existant and is based on prerences of Hold and ammo generally and lastly the holds again are based on how you are comfortable, some will prefer a hold keeping their hand down on the grip where others will prefer a pinch grip which puts their Thumb and index finger up on the forks for a bit more sensitive control.
Thanks for the info chaps, probably is better to learn more about it before splashing the cash esp I've gone mental buying guns this year.

Catty Shack sells bands in different thicknesses, that's when I realised it was all a lot more involved than it was, the ammo is all different sizes too, not like just picking a Black widow up in the 80's lol.
