Still no lift but its not over until its over although have now missed the cut off for chippy tea, as said on that thread if I get there I don't mind operating vehicles short distances for those that want to drink as I'm used to driving all sorts (although I do phantom shift currently in the Volvo as its an auto Hybrid vs the Kugas manual ICE only, M3 I'd get it too or pat the back of the wheel looking for the M3s paddles) and I wont be drinking much if any booze as it doesn't agree with my medication.
If someone thinks they can take me please give me a bit of warning to get ready as it takes me a while to do so, especially if I need to dig out chairs.

Had a brainy moment as I for the life of me cant draw circles neatly, hobbled down the stationary aisle and found some kids stick on eyes that I've subtly modded into 8 balls as a symbol of luck and also that you may need to ask a Magic 8 ball where the shot went on occasion for the Beretta, it will not be ready in time though and I do not have Biodegradable BBs to feed it for firing into a field (6mm plastics are probably worse for the enviorment in some respects than lead could ever be).
Even if I don't get to the bash I am really hoping I can shoot this weekend as it's driving me round the twist with plans scuppered by either the weather or some part of me misbehaving and not in a good way.