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Thread: chickens dont like magpies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    running round the wild's of somerset in a pink rom

    chickens dont like magpies

    i while ago i was in my bedroom wringhting an essay listening to music very loudly windows open,imy chickens were in a pen about 16 yards away from the window,i was looking out the window when a magpie landed in a tree in the pen,couldnt belive my luck grabbed my tx200 and loaded it up,i thought it would fly away for sure when i poked the barrel out of the window,but no great i though,in a rush to shoot my most hated creature i got it in the neck not the head,iot kind of fell /flew into the pen and then to my amazement my chickens started to beat the crap out of the magpie,jumping up and down on it like a trampoling the maran was particuly aggressive ,they went completely bonkers and killed the thing,then they just carried on pecing at the floor like none of this had even hapened,i bunged the magpie in the firebox and did the rest of my essay,anyone else experianced hens or any othe animal do this

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    running round the wild's of somerset in a pink rom
    sorry bout spelling

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Operating without any decent restraint - Nottm
    I'd worry about the essay uf I were you
    1st Battalion Humberside Cavalier Rescue Deserters on the cut

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Cavenham, Suffolk
    Its a little kown fact that chickens are bloody savage little buggers .. but only when they think you're not looking

  5. #5
    sccs Guest
    yes m8 most chickens, quail etc are driven mad by the blood(apprently)

    i have seen both peck each other to death because one of them had got a feather pulled and it bled

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Gone West Young Man
    I used to have a duck that would eat thrushes that used to try and "share" its food. The thing is I'm sure they were still alive and just stunned! The bulge going down the ducks neck used to look like something out of a cartoon!

  7. #7
    Murphy is offline Cooee! Chase me you naughty boys!
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I dont like magpies.
    Master Debater

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    My chicken's don't about either,3 weeks ago i had a mouse problem in my shed.To cut a long story short i let the chickens in the shed,hey presto no mouse.The thing that really freaked me was the way my largest hen ate the mouse,(swallowed it whole like an owl would yukk!)On another occasion a cat was creeping along the hedge eyeing up one of the chooks,3 of my hen's were on it in a flash (and i mean litterally on it!)even before my terrier got there.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I wish my ducks and hens would chase the magpies and starlings. Usually they sit side by side, making me sit and wait with a target in my sights for ages until the bird or hen moves

  10. #10
    VarminterUSA Guest


    Out here in the west in the foothills a lot of people keep chickens out and about around the property for Rattlesnake elimination. They chickens can take care of the little guys one on one. The larger rattlers it is a team effort. They attack until it leaves or alerts someone with a shotgun!!


  11. #11
    raggity Guest

    swazi chickens

    i can tell some stories and have heard some stories whilst living in swaziland that even my friends had a hard time believing, talk about velociraptors im not joking.... we have had to defend ourselves wtih rakes and brooms they were so brother and i have seen them attack 3meter long black mamba [top 5 deadliest snake in the world] and you can imagine who won.... another time they JUMPED a swallow that was flying low to the ground and my bro rescued it before it got torn to shreds. the other stories i will share if you can believe this, because theres more..... my father called them ragged tooth chickens and would joke that we needed electric fences to gaurd our unsuspecting quests.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    [QUOTE=wiggles>snipped< the maran was particuly aggressive ><snipped[/QUOTE]
    I shot a crow that fell into the "paddock" with my chooks. The Maran hen rushed up and attacked, it feet first like a cockerel. The other hens, Leghorns, were either too slow or not interested.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Ive seen my Dads chickens attack rats before. Didn't want to share there food.

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