OK must appologise for the long location not used to this board yet. To narrow down my location, search for Aberdare on Google Earth (in the uk lol) and thats more or less where i am, i have located one club in my area that i am going to visit on saturday see what there like. (but not many close enough i don't have to spend at least 35 - 45 mins driving to get to)

honestly yes the reason i would like to fit a new spring into a new rifle is more power from the get go.

I don't know if it was my experiences with rifles but i always found that most new (or second hand) rifles has an "adequate" spring in the gun but i found changing the spring normally gave them a vast improvment in there power. not to mention they seemed to last longer with a new spring from the get go rather than half way through there life.

or it could be me buying cheap rubbish guns. hehehe.

i know that is an impressive claim for a gun ad, but i know for certain that my present rifle is accurate upto 250 yards (not sure if that is an average range or not on these guns as i have never measured it in the past) so if i can get that same sort of distance or slightly further i would be happy with the gun.

If not and it appears to be having a hard time blowing holes in wet toilet paper at point blank it will be a return and refund job, and save up for a nice webley.