and a suitable ignition source, should be a small WHUMP! and then everything should come out nicely browned and ready for the plate. <img src="" alt="Big Grin" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:--> <img src="" alt="Eek" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:--> <img src="" alt="Big Grin" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:-->

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Martin McEwan:
The obvious answer for 1st class results is to use a ferret! However I would like to achieve the same results but without the looking after aspect of our furry friend. Any idea`s along the lines of smoking them out or W.H.Y.
Let me know your thought`s. <img src="" alt="Confused" width="15" height="22"><!--graemlin:-->

Martin <img src="" alt="Cool" width="15" height="15"><!--graemlin:-->[/quote]