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Thread: blowing my own trumpet...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    blowing my own trumpet...

    been playing at 10m pistol with a Gamo compact, just started to get the hang of the game and managed to get (using 10 pellets per taget) 83, 84 and and 88, I am well chuffed with that.
    Any other Gamo users want to start a monthly shoot and submit card pictures, obviously honesty will be very much required!
    Last edited by pollythedog; 17-08-2007 at 12:07 PM.
    PM me for money saving prices on aquarium fish foods.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I shoot well with the Gamo (almost as well as with my Original 6M) but it's a bit light in weight for my tastes and becomes a pain to cock if you are firing 60 shots plus sighters in a match. I need to make a lead weight to put in the frame somewhere. I'm happy to swap some cards in a fun comp. especially if some other Gamo owners want to join in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I have blue tack with lead shot in it stuck in the rectangular hole under the end of the barrel.
    I am on for a fun comp, definitely, lets see if any more Gamo users are interested as well and get something sorted. We could photograph a trophy and the monthly winner can post a photo of themslelves holding the picture of the trophy!
    PM me for money saving prices on aquarium fish foods.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    hi peeps, have just got a Gamo Compact, what a nice pistol

    would post targets except that im a bit pants the moment, got 1 in the bull for a ten one in the nine and then all over the place

    might as well have used a .410 instead.....

    bit no doubt ill get better....., also caught my middle finger pad in the "mousetrap" ouch........

    great piece of kit and sooo much better than my old co2 guns (and free air)...

    its putting out an impressive 351 fps (with AA fields as these were the only .177s i had) if it really matters

    also a quick question, what wadcutter pellets do you use???? locally the prices are a joke for wadcutters......over £6 for some bisley practice,£5.50 for Hobbies around so i think a bulk buy is in order from JSR (mostly looking at the rws types)...

    cheers and thanks for reading


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Hi Paul
    don't worry about the scores, the idea was more as fun competition that would push us, certainly I find if I have someone to compete against I concentrate more.
    As for pellets, I started with hobbys but was getting quite a few misfires, so Iam now on HN's which have not missed a beat. The hobbys also gave wild flyers occasionaly whereas the HN's seem more uniform.
    At the club I use Hobbys are £3 ish a tin if you buy in bulk (box of 20) and HN's are £5.50 all the time.
    p.s. not caught any skin yet but regularly catch my tee shirt, not a pleasant site when I lift that up!!
    PM me for money saving prices on aquarium fish foods.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by pollythedog View Post
    Hi Paul
    don't worry about the scores, the idea was more as fun competition that would push us, certainly I find if I have someone to compete against I concentrate more.
    As for pellets, I started with hobbys but was getting quite a few misfires, so Iam now on HN's which have not missed a beat. The hobbys also gave wild flyers occasionaly whereas the HN's seem more uniform.
    At the club I use Hobbys are £3 ish a tin if you buy in bulk (box of 20) and HN's are £5.50 all the time.
    p.s. not caught any skin yet but regularly catch my tee shirt, not a pleasant site when I lift that up!!
    yup im up for a friendly competition....

    update is that ive found some co2 pellets that i had for my old gas gun, im gonna have a go with these (when im getting good ill use the rn10s).... will lube them for added zip and hope that i can get better.... although i shoot with 2 ex-10m instructors so im getting some good tips (may even share em with you)....

    just need to set up the sights properly and weigh the front down a bit.... and sort out the heavy trigger (good stages just a bit too heavy).....

    cheers and look forward to posting some decent scores....


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Gamo Postal Fun Competition

    If enough Gamo users are prepared to chip in, I could look into the cost of sorting out a souvenir medal or certificate for everyone who wants to join in. There's a shop up the road that specialises in that sort of thing. Maybe we could open it out to allow other Gamo's in like the PR45 and even the old Falcons or Centers to be used. No point in them gathering dust and rust! Thanks for the tips on pellets. I've tended to use Hobby because they are low-cost but maybe it's time to upgrade.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    oops quick correction, I said HN's because I have some on order but have not used them yet. I should have said "RWS R10 Match Pellets"
    Must have been the lager!

    Ok, if we are to open it to other pistols, should we make some rulling about only those that require a cocking effort. I have to admit I originally wanted to keep it type against type to keep a level playing field so to speak. But as it is for fun have no problem if it means getting the ball rolling.

    I will put a post on the main forum seeking others.

    Any suggestions as to the format.
    Monthly competition?

    Perhaps 20 limited pratice shots before shooting two targets of 10 shots?

    Targets/scores to be posted by a set date in the month ?

    Make it a yearly competition or six monthly competition with the highest total winning, that way if a token award is decided upon it can be held for an amount of time, would those interested be willing to post the award to the next recipient or is this too much trouble?

    Do we all have access to a 10m range? ( perhaps I should have asked this first!)

    PM me for money saving prices on aquarium fish foods.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by dunn220 View Post

    just need to set up the sights properly and weigh the front down a bit.... and sort out the heavy trigger (good stages just a bit too heavy).....

    cheers and look forward to posting some decent scores....

    Hi Paul
    don't know if you saw this explains a method to use the ineffectual trigger weight adjust screw behind the trigger. Not tried it myself though.
    PM me for money saving prices on aquarium fish foods.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    May I suggest a maximum of 5 shots per card, 10 would be next to impossible to score if the shooter was quite good, I sometimes have trouble sorting it with 5 shots per card.

    H&N are by far the better pellet as they are batch tested at the factory.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by pollythedog View Post
    Hi Paul
    don't know if you saw this explains a method to use the ineffectual trigger weight adjust screw behind the trigger. Not tried it myself though.

    great link although as ive just got the pistol im a bit reluctant to drill holes in it..... however when i improve i daresay that ill use the link........

    i agree with p30man that 10 shots is harder to score (although not for me as theyll be all over the place...., im gonna have a 10m play tommorrow (although at the club its outdoors only so do i get a handicap advantage

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Ok, how about this then

    Initially Gamo compacts at 10m
    20 practise shots then shoot 4 cards of 5 shots per card.
    Submit individual card scores and a total by the 25th of each month.
    As this is a fun thing initially start with just the 4 cards per month.

    Monthly high score will be announced and total from 6 months will be pronounced winner. Then start again or modify conditions to suit, maybe look at handicap system if required etc.

    As this is an honesty thing and as not everyone can post pictures only text scores need to be submitted unless you feel otherwise.

    First cards to be submitted for/by September 25th.

    Okay? or changes needed?
    PM me for money saving prices on aquarium fish foods.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by pollythedog View Post
    Ok, how about this then

    Initially Gamo compacts at 10m
    20 practise shots then shoot 4 cards of 5 shots per card.
    Submit individual card scores and a total by the 25th of each month.
    As this is a fun thing initially start with just the 4 cards per month.

    Monthly high score will be announced and total from 6 months will be pronounced winner. Then start again or modify conditions to suit, maybe look at handicap system if required etc.

    As this is an honesty thing and as not everyone can post pictures only text scores need to be submitted unless you feel otherwise.

    First cards to be submitted for/by September 25th.

    Okay? or changes needed?

    sounds great

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2006
    I'd be up for that contest. Still be interested in seeing the inferior Gamo pistols in, Falcons and Centres were always nice pieces. I don't think they have ever made another one as good as the Compact. A well-maintained 2nd hand Compact must be one of the best value guns of any kind. I shot some cards with 10 shots each on Friday so I'll shoot some 5-shot cards this Friday and let you know my scores.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ashby de la Zouch

    Gamo pistols

    I belong to the same club as Pollythedog

    There are probably 30+ pistol shooters in the club and most have top of the range match pistols. We shoot 10 metres and at 20 yards (on PL15 targets)

    What is interesting is that the shooter with the highest 20 yard average(92 ex100) uses a Gamo pistol (and it is not the one with hardwood grips). He does not shoot 10metres but scores at 10m are usually higher than at 20 yards.I think he considers 10 m too easy.
    Because his pistol is low velocity, then his pellets do not cut neat holes but I have seen him shoot 98's and 99's at 20 yards with his Gamo pneumatic. It's a bit of a sickener really that his cheap Gamo beats all these expensive match guns but it says a lot about his ability and just how good these little pistols are.
    He only graduated to the Gamo pneumatic about 2 years ago. He previously used a underlever Gamo Centre spring pistol and again had an average at 20 yards of 90 +.
    So I guess it is more the man rather than the gun that gets the high scores .

    Good luck with your competition
    hold me back !!

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