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Thread: Long range airgun shooting

  1. #31
    figjam Guest
    Last edited by figjam; 23-08-2007 at 03:05 PM.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    East Kilbride - Scotland
    Quote Originally Posted by AAS410 View Post
    I think this is great, groups like this at 100 yards. But can't hit a 40MM disc at 38 Yard. These boys must be the next SAS recruits. But make sure the targets over 95 yards.

    Please explain this one for me george, sure hope your not having an unfounded dig at my claims . I'm sure we could arrange a measured indoor 38 yard shoot off at a 40mm disc, if you like.... And no need for any fancy bench rests either, here we could even do it standing or kneeling if you like .

    Checked the distance in Chairgun for the range I shot at. Assuming a 15' upward shot, and rifle combro'ed yesterday averaging 795fps with exacts (792 - 799 over 5 shots),drop average was 20 inch (2 sheets of a4 taped together longwise, dot at top of one, pellets hitting bottom of other) distance was between 92 and 94 yards.

    Even left the bench and the chair I used to set up the targets on(it was , thats I why I used it ,before any accusations) where I'd used them, if you fancy giving it a go, before ripping out snidey comments.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bengarzy View Post
    If your sub 12 ft lbs rifle will go through a water filled drinks can AND 1/4 ply at 100 yards then I would chrono it as it should have around 2-3 ft lbs at that distance and that will not do as discribed above.
    Dont fall into the "Harry" trap
    Hi Ben,

    It's just Kenny's written English and C- in composition
    The ply board was not behind the drinks cans. I filled the drinks cans with river water and placed them on top of the boards. The pellets passed cleanly through the cans. The pellets also passed cleanly through the ply to which the paper targets were attached. Not both together.

  4. #34
    Born Again Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by figjam View Post
    then again harry's posts were also edited and rewritten too! so im not surprised, why is there such a big defensive about all these long range posts and why are certain members being let away with murder in here!
    There were over 1000 views to one of the threads alone that harry started and they werent watching the abusive manner in which he was being treated, infact he conducted himself as a perfect gentlemen way beyond the point of abuse that i would have snapped at. It was a very informative and knowledgable thread, surely this forum is all about learning more and respecting other members views and opinions? (if i recall he only snapped once the threats were made personally about him, now all of sudden the impossible has been achieved !!!! doent that warrant the return of threads and an apology?)


    p.s. whats happened to this place!
    I agree with you to an extent Kenny, I'm embarrassed at the way Harry was treated on this the premier British forum. It makes us look like a bunch of kids.

    His post was badly edited to remove the word "Fox", which changed it's meaning. Gary then jumped on the new meaning, ignoring people who posted that the original text had been edited, and when Harry posted the F word again, to explain what had been edited out, he was banned.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnBam View Post

    I did a bit of this crack yesterday, and the biggest groups were just over 4 inch horizontal and around 3 inch vertical with a springer at approx 3 kicks in the arrse under 100yds!!!

    I was testing to see if some of the shots actually grouped rather than the whole lot of them. Taking ones that did group to mean, I was shooting them when the wind was the same, and I did the same technique. Other shots all over the joint due to me/ my equipment/ variable wind.

    My thinking is, if nothing grouped and the shots were trully random, hardly any shots would be together, but some did form 3 and 4 shots group, and I'm assuming (dangerous thing to do) that these were more than coincedance.

    The shot spread of 6 inch you describe lads, are these mostlly due to horizontal spread, ie wind and is your vertical spread a lot better?

    Heres the link to my results if ya want to check them out.

    Good shooting Johnbam.Springers are difficult to shoot, but I hear that Pieman is brilliant with them. Would like to see what results he gets,and if there is an advantage for pcp over springers.I know for a fact that I cannot shoot springers well, thats why I moved onto pcp.

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    East Kilbride - Scotland
    Quote Originally Posted by Sagres View Post
    Good shooting Johnbam.Springers are difficult to shoot, but I hear that Pieman is brilliant with them. Would like to see what results he gets,and if there is an advantage for pcp over springers.I know for a fact that I cannot shoot springers well, thats why I moved onto pcp.
    Cheers mate, would also like to see Harv and John Budd having a go at this. Great springer shooters the pair of them and use well tuned rifles. Bet they could achieve, substantially better than I have.

    Hope they take it up.

    And Kenny.... spot on, on yer comments mate re the Harry situation.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    May 2000
    Quote Originally Posted by Zico View Post
    And look now, people are achieving it!.
    Are they? Where's that then?

  8. #38
    Gary C Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Zico View Post
    Couldn't agree more Kenny, tbh it doesnt really surprise me that he's slagged off this forum since, I would too if I'd suffered the abuse he did. And look now, people are achieving it!. Big slice of humble pie should be being chewed on at the moment by a few on here.

    As TD said

    Who is achieveing:

    1. Sub 1" groups at 150 yards
    2. Has the ability to walk up and shoot a 1" disk with his 1st shot at 150 yards
    3. Has shot a large number of rabbits at over 100 yards and never missed one?

    If anybody thinks they can do that I will put a grand with one of th emods on here aganst their £500 and they can come down here and show me.

    So far it HASN'T HAPPENED.

    There's always a gullible fool waiting to follow a false messiah. And nobody is as zealous as a fool.


    Did nobody ever pick up on Harry's constant need for admiration? a decent psychologist would perhaps offer a little insight...

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Crombie Point

    I have to say that I understood exactly what you meant with regards to the can and the 1/4 inch ply. Having also enjoyed a number of HFT events at Juniper Green where the rifles were all chrono'd (all happily passing below 12fp) I must say that I agree with your view of posts that suggest otherwise.

    If it was not for the fact that the competitions that you help run, at Juniper Green I would not have managed to get 2 people back into airgunning and they have both comented on the well run, safe setup and responsible shooters.

    Like you say this is meant to be about enjoying our sport and sharing ideas, information and supporting one another.

    Also it is rather amazing the number of 100 yard ... long range fun that we have all been enoying since a certain someone started a certain post.


    Keep up the good work in Scotland as we all need to stick together

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terry D View Post
    Are they? Where's that then?
    Well, Sagres for one is at least reporting he has achieved it. (See the 1st post on this thread) I haven't witnessed it for myself obviously and so I suppose his claim will also be poo-pood also but I have no reason to disbelieve him, who would risk their repution by making unatainable claims
    I dont believe its possible every time.. form, conditions and a fair bit of luck may come into it but keep plugging away and eventually a group could well fall into these parameters. I dont recall Harry saying he did it every time either like some seem to be suggesting.

  11. #41
    Gary C Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Zico View Post
    Well, Sagres for one is at least reporting he has achieved it. (See the 1st post on this thread) I haven't witnessed it for myself obviously and so I suppose his claim will also be poo-pood also but I have no reason to disbelieve him, who would risk their repution by making unatainable claims
    I dont believe its possible every time.. form, conditions and a fair bit of luck may come into it but keep plugging away and eventually a group could well fall into these parameters. I dont recall Harry saying he did it every time either like some seem to be suggesting.
    You don't recall..therefore it didn't happen?

    I pulled Harry on several things, clear lies.

    1. I watched his boasts and pulled him when he suggested that you can effectively walk up, sit down, judge the wind and hit a 1" target at 150 yards

    2. I pulled him when he claimed to have killed many rabbits over 100 yards and never missed one.

    If you believe either of those things mate you're a little naive.

    I agree with Sagres on the possibility, I've produced great groups at very long ranges which were satisfying. But like sagres it took me a lot of attempts.

    I've also hunted for years out to 80 yards and watched small wind variances move the pellets. I have NO problem with people claiming super accurate technique, super accurate guns, perfect pellets. Way beyond my ability - but that's no reason to decry it. It's the wind that stops you being able to produce that perfect shot to order.

    Harry asserts you can read the wind. I say you can't at that distance. I have a grand that says that nobody else can.

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    bournemouth dorset

    !!stop the banning its WORSE than anything we can say or print on this forum!!
    If i didnt have a Falcon i would have a Rapid

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    What some people need to realise about long range shooting is that it's only meaningful if you have a reasonable degree of control over where the pellet or bullet strikes. There are cut-off points, depending on range and equipment where the whole exercise degenerates into a game of chance. Eventually you may as well be rolling 5 dice to see how long it takes for them all to come up sixes.

    I politely asked Harry to tell us about his methods for reading the wind and applying corrections ( before I came to the conclusion he was full of it ) and he didn't choose to reply. Not because he was banned either, he had enough time to write a number of long rambling posts in the meantime, while ignoring the question.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gary C View Post
    I pulled Harry on several things, clear lies.

    1. I watched his boasts and pulled him when he suggested that you can effectively walk up, sit down, judge the wind and hit a 1" target at 150 yards

    2. I pulled him when he claimed to have killed many rabbits over 100 yards and never missed one.

    I dont recall him saying these things in the context you describe.. Well the threads gone now, so from what either of us remember of it its a bit like arguing about what happens when you pop your clogs.
    Glad you agree that it could well be possible.. Hope your long range test at the end of the month produces some interesting results, heres hoping for some favourable conditions.

  15. #45
    Graham2 is offline Slightly camp, makes decent chilli, and has a box of tissues and a can of 3 In 1 in the gun room
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    I was sad to see the original thread deleted, as it was very interesting, and I wanted to hear more about Harry's claims. I realise he may have stepped out of line, but plenty of others were insulting from the off, but he remained pretty civil despite it all. I feel that his experiments could be valuable to all shooters, as it's only by pushing the envelope that things change for the better. Who knows, maybe his local weather conditions are the key to this type of shooting. There's a world of difference between this draughty, damp island and his. However, we won't know if his location is the key, not on here anyway. PS Terry, when did you try for the 100 yard groups, and what pellets were you using?

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