I am just getting into benchrest. Story so far.... I am experimenting with a FWB 300s with an uprated spring (kindly supplied by Wonky Donkey) and a Tasco 6-24 scope and a bench and rest that I made myself. Its beginning to come together. I also tried my unmodified Walther LGR yesterday with a 3-9 scope and this looks very promising. If you look at the UKBR22 results for the winter 2007 series, far and away the most successful guns were the AA S400 in the sport class and the FWB P70FT in the unlimited class. The results spreadsheet is most usefull as it gives all guns used along with pellets, scope and even benchrest details. However, its a bit scary when you see that the sport section was decided on X's with the first two both scoring possibles (1250 out of 1250). Are you entering the NSRA/Eley comps, benchrest section?