Quote Originally Posted by Huntsman07 View Post
well your lense is 42 mm , you can actually get 45mm mounts, two piece i would get, but if you require extra space get the 56mm high mounts, you can get these of jsr for £14 called accushot if the scope tube is 1inch you will need 1 inch mounts if it is 30mm you will need 30mm mounts your rifle i think has standard 11mm dovetails so look on jsr

P.s did you get the foresight off
Couldnt get the foresight off even with heating the barrel, and the rearsight comes off but it has a screwthread sticking up out of the gun with no perceiveable was of removing it, bit weird, so left it on atm, are these 56mm high mounts difficult to get or do you think my local gun shop might have them?