BisMAgs, 21 grain, 0.034 - 0.037
AA Field, 16 grain, 0.030 - 0.032
Nothin else worth using IMHO
Does anybody have ballistic coeficients for FAC pellets and their wieghts in grains ?
Just want to calculate trajectories and zeroing points in ChairGun.
BisMAgs, 21 grain, 0.034 - 0.037
AA Field, 16 grain, 0.030 - 0.032
Nothin else worth using IMHO
Always looking for any cheap, interesting, knackered "project" guns. Thanks, JB.
thanks once agian
Just out of curiosity, did you tried using 16 grain AA Fields on 40 ft/lbs ? Do they realy buckle and loose accuracy under at that pressure ?
Originally posted by COROVICD
Just out of curiosity, did you tried using 16 grain AA Fields on 40 ft/lbs ? Do they realy buckle and loose accuracy under at that pressure ?
16.00 & 20.50 Grain rounds in .22 Exterminators are not effected by High Power
email me for a Trial pot
The original Logun Penetrators
and heres me thinking you nearly missed that chance bob ive got to hand it to yer
He's too good for that
Always looking for any cheap, interesting, knackered "project" guns. Thanks, JB.
do you know (and would you share with us) the BC of the Exterminators/Penetrators?Originally posted by clubshot
16.00 & 20.50 Grain rounds in .22 Exterminators are not effected by High Power
email me for a Trial pot
The original Logun Penetrators
I regularly use AA Fields at 40 fpe through the BSA barrel of my Stalker Tiger Ten LE. They group very well indeed.
H&N Barracuda Match are also very good- similar pellet to Magnum.
this clears the picture 'cause I was tool at a local gun shop that FAC rifles deform pellets, so that you need to drop power to 30 ft/lbs. I realy prefer to have a few stronger shots with longer range, rather than more weaker ones.
The deformation is not actually wrong, it's just incomplete...
In MANY barrels, 40FP will not result in an AA Field grouping at all well - Theoben barels are an example. OTOH, BSA barrels do seem to shott thme very well at high power.
Bear in mind though that whilst you lose some trajectory advantage with Bisley Magnums, the long range effectiveness may be better due to a greater resistance to wind drift....
They also will typically have an extra 1 - 2 FP at the muzzle...
30FP is about the point I would GENERALLY move to Bisley Magnums...
Always looking for any cheap, interesting, knackered "project" guns. Thanks, JB.
I've just put those coeficients into ChairGun and Bisley Magnums, zeroed at 50 yards, are droping only 6 1/2" on 80 yards. That is about 2 rabit's heads. That is not bad.
Buddyboy has hit it on the head.
The only pellet I have found the reliably works above 30ftlbs is the biz mag.
My Eliminator only shot very well with them.
My Rapid worked Ok with lighter pellets but even then I got more fliers than with Biz Mags.
I think and therefore...... I refuse to steal someone else's quote to try to sound more erudite or profound than I actually am.